Episode 13: The One With the Bad Sports Metaphors

Welcome Pathfinders! It’s our lucky thirteenth episode! Our heroes prepare to fight a swarm of skulls as they roam thru the haunted mansion, but continuing to explore they soon find a new ally that may not be all she appears!


Rick Sandidge is our Gamemaster and Host.

Heather Allen plays Onuris, the aasimar Cleric of Horus.

Jessica Peters plays Sagira Maibe, the suli Ranger.

Jordan Jenkins plays Sudi Kontar, the catfolk Monk of Pharasma.

Rachel Sandidge plays Sitra, the human Rogue.

In game music provided by Syrinscape! Check them out at: https://syrinscape.com/

Opening and closing music provided by Ryan Mumford!

After Party: Episodes 10-12

Welcome Pathfinders! In our After Party series we get together after every three episodes to discuss whats happened, our thoughts on gaming, and whatever else pops into our minds! In this After Party we discus a bit more about character backstory, talk about the Pathfinder Playtest and our experiences at PaizoCon, and then answer our first Listener Mail question!

Episode 12: The One With the Ghost Drama

Welcome Pathfinders! The delve into the haunted House of Pentheru picks up as our heroes find more signs of paranormal activity! Battles with the undead, struggles with unquiet spirits, multiple possessions, and surprise talk about proposals and romantic history are all in the cards as our adventure continues!


Rick Sandidge is our Gamemaster and Host.

Heather Allen plays Onuris, the aasimar Cleric of Horus.

Jessica Peters plays Sagira Maibe, the suli Ranger.

Jordan Jenkins plays Sudi Kontar, the catfolk Monk of Pharasma.

Rachel Sandidge plays Sitra, the human Rogue.

In game music provided by Syrinscape! Check them out at: https://syrinscape.com/

Opening and closing music provided by Ryan Mumford!

Episode 11: The One With the Dead Guy on the Privy

Welcome Pathfinders! It’s Heroes vs Swarms round two! A vicious fight ensues as our heroes use all they’ve learned so far to survive against their most hated enemy! Also a brief exploration of their second site reveals they may not be the first explorers here. Hopefully they wont meet the same ignoble end…


Rick Sandidge is our Gamemaster and Host.

Heather Allen plays Onuris, the aasimar Cleric of Horus.

Jessica Peters plays Sagira Maibe, the suli Ranger.

Jordan Jenkins plays Sudi Kontar, the catfolk Monk of Pharasma.

Rachel Sandidge plays Sitra, the human Rogue.

In game music provided by Syrinscape! Check them out at: https://syrinscape.com/

Opening and closing music provided by Ryan Mumford!

Episode 10: The One With the Skele-Family

Welcome Pathfinders! The exploration continues into episode ten! After beginning their search of the grounds of their second site our heroes stubble across an unexpected complication, and it (they) are eager to get to know Sagira better! Pushing on they find only more signs of the tragic history of this once noble home…


Rick Sandidge is our Gamemaster and Host.

Heather Allen plays Onuris, the aasimar Cleric of Horus.

Jessica Peters plays Sagira Maibe, the suli Ranger.

Jordan Jenkins plays Sudi Kontar, the catfolk Monk of Pharasma.

Rachel Sandidge plays Sitra, the human Rogue.

In game music provided by Syrinscape! Check them out at: https://syrinscape.com/

Opening and closing music provided by Ryan Mumford!

After Party: Episodes 7-9

Welcome Pathfinders! In our After Party series we get together after every three episodes to discuss whats happened, our thoughts on gaming, and whatever else pops into our minds! In this After Party we mostly talk about who is responsible (PCs or GMs) for dealing with difficult encounters such as swarms, and then have a brief discussion about kidnapping celebrities to make them play Pathfinder!

Episode 9: The One With the Snake Charming

Welcome Pathfinders! Our party jumps back into action with episode nine! As the return to the necropolis Sudi sees an “old friend” and the party have their first run in with the unquiet ghosts of Wati! More dangers surely await our heroes as they begin the search of their second site!


Rick Sandidge is our Gamemaster and Host.

Heather Allen plays Onuris, the aasimar Cleric of Horus.

Jessica Peters plays Sagira Maibe, the suli Ranger.

Jordan Jenkins plays Sudi Kontar, the catfolk Monk of Pharasma.

Rachel Sandidge plays Sitra, the human Rogue.

In game music provided by Syrinscape! Check them out at: https://syrinscape.com/

Opening and closing music provided by Ryan Mumford!

Episode 8: The One Where They Save the Cat

Welcome Pathfinders! Just when they thought they were out… episode eight opens with the players fighting to save a feline from a horrid undead creature! Once they can get past this it’s time to return to Wati and sell some loot before learning where their next location to explore is!


Rick Sandidge is our Gamemaster and Host.

Heather Allen plays Onuris, the aasimar Cleric of Horus.

Jessica Peters plays Sagira Maibe, the suli Ranger.

Jordan Jenkins plays Sudi Kontar, the catfolk Monk of Pharasma.

Rachel Sandidge plays Sitra, the human Rogue.

In game music provided by Syrinscape! Check them out at: https://syrinscape.com/

Opening and closing music provided by Ryan Mumford!

Episode 7: The One With the Heavy Metal Snake

Welcome Pathfinders! In episode seven our heroes hope to finish their search of the Tomb of Akhentep, but the long dead general has guarded his tomb well! What seems to be just another trap will lead to hopes raised then dashed as our GM hits the party with his greatest weapon, the rules for monster subtypes!


Rick Sandidge is our Gamemaster and Host.

Heather Allen plays Onuris, the aasimar Cleric of Horus.

Jessica Peters plays Sagira Maibe, the suli Ranger.

Jordan Jenkins plays Sudi Kontar, the catfolk Monk of Pharasma.

Rachel Sandidge plays Sitra, the human Rogue.

After Party: Episodes 4-6

Welcome Pathfinders! In our After Party series we get together after every three episodes to discuss whats happened, our thoughts on gaming, and whatever else pops into our minds! In this After Party we give our thoughts on traps, book one dungeons crawls, the secret Mining Beetle sub-quest, and the dance training of Red Mantis Assassins!